We are all one
EMF Balancing is about working with a part of our energetic anatomy called the Universal Calibration Lattice to strengthen our connection with Source. The stronger our connection with Source, the more Source energy we can integrate into ourselves and the more we integrate, the stronger and more resilient we become (amongst other things). The energy we are working with is, of course, the energy of LOVE.
When we connect with Source, we connect with the most essential part of our being.
We also strengthen our connection with everyone and everything else in the Universe. We have a greater experience of interconnectedness with each other at a very deep and intimate level, a level that invites exploration of new ways to express the energy of LOVE.
One of the key themes of Phases 9-12 is this integration of our Individual I with the Universal I which is expressed in rather mystical terms by saying that the Individual I and the Universal I are one and the same.
It is no accident that the overall title for these four phases is Freedom in the Energy of Love: Freedom and Love are two sides of the same coin.
We are spiritual beings in a physical body
This has long been an integral part of esoteric wisdom. Peggy, the originator of EMFBT, likes to self style as a practical mystic. And the close of each Balance up to Phase 8 includes the reminder, ‘Always remember, it is here and now, in everyday life, that we have the opportunity to become all that we are’.
One of our tasks as human beings - our mission if you like - is to evolve our spirituality and connection with Source in ways that allow the expression of our Infinite Potential, which of course is not just our Individual Infinite Potential but also the Infinite Potential of Source, our collective Infinite Potential.
The Universal Parent and the Universal Beloved/Partner
As human beings, our two most intimate relationships are first, as babies and children, with our parent or parents when we are born and growing up; and then as adults, with others and particularly with life partners. In the work we do in Phases 10 and 11, we are invited to co-create completely new blueprints on an energetic level for these relationships with our parents and with other adults.
A New Departure
Phase 10 marks a new departure. In Phase 9 we work with an existing relationship, with a specific existing relationship. By placing that relationship within the framework of the Universal Human, activating the Template of Universal Humanity (that intersects horizontally and vertically through our High Heart Centre), we add an energetic dimension to the relationship we choose to work with that allows it to be transformed in new and unexpected ways that were not previously possible.
Interestingly, Peggy herself was only able to get control of her weight, a long-standing issue in her life, when she worked with this relationship using the activated Template of Universal Humanity.
Attachment Theory and Attachment Styles
Attachment theory offers an explanation of our different ways of relating to each other, how we have come to have these differences, and our different ways of stuffing up our relationships. Like EMFBT, Attachment Theory attempts to give a greater understanding of the theory and practice of LOVE. It also offers a plethora of ways in which we can learn to improve relationships and live with greater ease in the energy of love.
Attachment styles originate in our experience of our relationship with our primary care giver, usually our birth mother. What we learn in this relationship carries forward to our relationships with others as we develop into adults. So understanding attachment styles can help us to understand more about what we are working with in - particularly in Phase 10, The Universal Parent and Phase 11, The Universal Partner/Beloved.
I am going to use my understanding of Attachment Theory as explained by Diane Poole Heller. (There are many practitioners and several differences in terminology.)
Four Attachment Styles
There are basically four attachment styles and we each can include all four styles in our repertoire, depending on the situation and circumstances. The important thing to remember is that we all do really yearn for a secure relationship with others or with a significant other: even when we apparently reject this.
Secure Attachment. We all aspire to secure attachment. The baby learns that the mother (or father) is there when s(he) needs them and learns to use the dependable interaction with the parent as part of their own self-regulation.
Avoidant Attachment. For one reason or another, the mother/father is not able to be present with the baby/child in ways that meet the child’s needs. The baby learns that s(he) can’t depend on the parent and it is better to aim for self-sufficiency.
Anxious Attachment. In this situation, the baby has good experiences of the mother/father’s love: but there is no consistency. Sometimes the parent is there for the child; sometimes not. The baby becomes anxious because s(he) wants the experience of interacting with a loving mother/father but never knows whether that parent will be there or not.
Disorganised Attachment. This is the hardest to deal with because the parent is a scary figure. This means that the child is in the grip of two strong contradictory emotions: the need to connect with a strong supportive loving parent and the fear of what that parent may do when the connection is made. This puts the child in an impossible bind.
Phase 10
As you reflect on your relationship with yourself, as your own Universal Parent, you may come to see that there are elements missing that you would like to install. It must be emphasised that this is not intended as a criticism of your parents; you don’t need to go down this road. But as an adult, and remembering that your individual I and the Universal I are in essence one and the same, you can choose to install missing parts that will serve you in your present circumstances.