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It's Not Your Fault

One of the blessings of living to an advanced age is that the rules change. And one of the important rules relates to blame. If you're lucky you get the memo that everything is not your fault.

It turns out that the internet really is slow. Other people remark on this. and. no, it's not your stupidity. You just need to be a bit more patient. Or do something about it. But what?

That's not always obvious. But again, it's OK to be puzzled or confused. That's a regular part of life for 'normal' folk. So why does your norm have to be perfection??

It can be OK that you haven't got it right. Maybe next time ,,,,? or maybe not. Maybe never, That's still OK.

Take this thought and let it sink in. What ever has happened or is happening to you, may be unavoidable. A part of life as it is todqy, here and now.

That needn't stop you from further investigation. Just be clear that this is 'further investigation'. It may lead you to a deeper understanding of whatever it is that is currently bothering you and that is a good thing. But you're still left with the reality that it is what it is and you can't really make any appreciable difference and IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT.