Read this book!
I would really like to see all my students, past, current and prospective, buy and read this book published in 2017 by Patricia Albere and The Oracle Institute Press. If you are in Australia, you can order it - postage free - through this link.
What it's about
Albere writes with intensity, flow and acumen about the new humans who in partnership and intimacy with each other explore the boundaries of consciousness.
How it started
A major factor in her motivation to explore this area of life was her amazing relationship through a chance meeting with a man who became her partner for four years. This loving relationship opened her to a new potential that transformed her life and she has been exploring and teaching about this expanded view of consciousness - the ‘we-volution’ - ever since.
My own interest in transformational work
I became acquainted with her work through my association with the work of another transformational teacher, David Nicol, who recommended this book as part of an understanding of the vision and mission of his own group, Earth Rising Consciousness. This group meets weekly online with the shared intention of entering a collective field of consciousness in which we can together develop our capacity for healing, mutual growth and co-creation.
Coming from my understanding of Peggy Phoenix Dubro’s Balancing work gleaned through a couple of decades of study and practice, I read David Nicol’s work and that of Patricia Albere as a kind of insightful commentary on where the potential of Dubro’s insights into our sacred human evolution has landed today.
To my knowledge, although Nicol and Albere are aware of each other’s work, Dubro is not aware of theirs, or at least makes no reference to it. She has continued to develop the original ‘classical’ EMF Balancing Technique based on the model of the Universal Calibration Lattice, an energetic structure we all possess which connects us to Source and to each other. This body of work has now become The Balancing Work (
But back to Albere and Evolutionary Relationships.
Practical exercises to unleash the power of mutual awakening
One of the strengths of this book is the many practices, individual and mutual, scattered throughout the pages. These lay out practical ways that you and I can strengthen our abilities to engage in and experience mutual awakening, whether this be with friends whom we trust, with a life partner, or with a stranger who shares our interest and intention.
We don’t need to be in a couple relationship to experience mutual awakening although if we are in a couple relationship, this relationship will be immeasurably enriched and raised to a new level as we continue to engage with the practices.
Inspiring quotations
Another of the enjoyable features of the book is the wealth of quotations from other spiritual teachers that leap up to arrest the eye and the soul. Albere has a particular fondness for Rumi.
Eight activating principles
The main content articulates what Albere sees as the eight activating principles of an evolutionary relationship: engagement, commitment, truth, trust, openness, essential uniqueness, mutual influence and contact.
Speaking of contact, Albere says, ’True contact is a soul level experience that is profoundly and unmistakably felt by both people in the relationship’ (p. 210).
Contact occurs on many levels - energetic, physical, emotional and mental and it is an individual’s connection with their own essence or origination point that brings these different levels of contact alive (p.212).
A current example
As I was reading Albere’s account of attunement as she discussed emotional and energetic contact, I was reminded of Freddy Mercury and the band, Queen, recently re-imagined in the movie, Bohemian Rhapsody. Freddy Mercury, connected strongly (and struggled with) his connection to his own essential nature. This connection in turn enabled the attunement of the band and this in turn enabled the attunement of the audience so that band and audience together were active participants in the music, not just as listening to and enjoying the music but as singing with Freddy and responding vocally to his leads.
Next steps
In conclusion, start to look out for occasions of potential mutual awakening in your own life. How far can you take them? How much richer can your experience become when it is shared and co-created consciously with another human being?
See Bohemian Rhapsody. Read Evolutionary Relationships. And if you are ready to explore mutual awakening in the context of The Balancing Work, drop me a line -