The other day, I surprised myself.
I commissioned a caricature - of me!
I was visiting a friend in Mornington and welcomed her suggestion to visit the local weekly market. The weather was warm and balmy as we strolled past stalls of local 'stuff' - 'smelly' soaps, garden plants, somebody creating portraits from photographs.
And then there was this sign - Caricatures! And this guy focusing intently between a smart phone and a drawing pad, a picture emerging.
I couldn't resist. What would I look like in caricature? I had no idea but then, I thought, it couldn't be more shocking than what I see when I look in the mirror. And I was taking a mini-holiday, as it were, in Mornington for the day.
So I booked a session.
It didn't take long. And it didn't cost a fortune.
I'm looking at it now and I'm still not sure whether it looks like me or not. But I don't look too grumpy. It's a keeper. Once I've worked out the technology, I'm going to upload it to replace the current obligatory online photo.