I’d like to welcome anyone who may feel a call to become involved with monthly meditations for over the next Twelve (12) months, the sole focus being on Australia.
Through these meditations we are are working with New Higher Energies that have started to come onto the planet with our focus based on Attributes such as Compassion, Wisdom, Gratitude, Kindness, Patience, Love - to name a few. These Attributes are the very ones we strive to emulate in our daily lives.
There are 13 Grid lines across Australia with 13 Major Hub Centres and on the 1st of January we embedded into those grid lines and hub centres the first two Attributes for our country - Wisdom & Compassion.
These meditations will be held on the 1st day of every month at 1 pm, with different attributes every month.
This Facebook Page 'Terra Australis - pathways to alignment' has been specifically set up for the meditations.
I have been asked why I am doing this? To be honest it wasn't on my radar for 2017. In fact there was a certain pathway I thought I would be travelling. However just before Christmas – let’s just say I received a 'tap' on the shoulder - and was asked if I would do a series of meditations.
Not sure if I would have taken it up if I’d realised the magnitude of the bigger picture in one go, but then again I am the type of person who usually jumps in with both feet and then wonders how she got there!
But what really got me into this was that it’s for Australia.
Many of us have been involved with world meditations, but never anything like this. For me it really was a no brainer - we are in a position right now where we can make a huge impact and difference in the directions that we move.
We have the opportunity to lay new foundations built on Higher Conscious Attributes and I for one am not going to miss this opportunity.
This journey is personal for everyone, yet it is for everyone.
For those of you who feel the call or pull, welcome on board.
I think we are going to have a very interesting ride in 2017.
Gratitude and Blessings to you All