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Fried: Why You Burnout and How to Revive - Book Review

Joan Borysenko, PhD (with her Facebook Friends) Hay House Inc 2011
This excellent short book by Joan Borysenko, PhD, best selling author of Minding the Body, Mending the Mind, details her own and others experience of burnout and how she recovered. 
It is often said that trauma and adversity can bring us closer to our true selves and this agrees with Borysenko's experience of burnout. As part of her recovery process, she created a Facebook Group and her account of burnout and recovery as a twelve-step process that - as in Dante's Inferno - takes the person to Heaven via Hell and Purgatory, is validated by this group of around 5000 Facebook Friends. 
This book is eminently readable, often very funny, and as the author says, like her previous books, braided from the four strands of 'clinical experience, psychological and biological research, personal recollection, and a larger spiritual view' plus in this case, 'real-time input from social networking' (p.xii).  
Borysenko delivers what she describes as her intention: 'a map of burnout that makes the condition accessible and easily identifiable'.